Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Oklahoma Sooner Ranch

We have been reassigned for about 3 months to the Sooner Ranch in Oklahoma.  We arrived today so you can continue to follow my blogging if you would like at joyinoklahoma.blogspot.com.
We will continue our blogging of Navasota Ranch when we return.
Happy Trails!!!!

Paris Texas Eiffel Tower and Red River Valley Memorial

Good Morning we are off to Oklahoma today!! But first a little more exploring!!
We are in Paris, so we must go to the Eiffel Tower, oh wait we are in Paris Texas!!
But guess what Paris, Texas has an Eiffel Tower!!

 Way cool

 Sister Gibson in Paris!!
Right next to the Eiffel Tower, is a beautiful Memorial:
The Red River Valley Veterans Memorial:

On a beautiful sunny day
We visited the Red River Valley Veterans Memorial

The Grand Entrance

 Looking towards the Eiffel Tower
 Looking to the East
 The walk way was created with Memorial tiles each tile
is a memorial to a war veteran that served our country.
 These murals represent each war of our country.
Read the statistic's they are humbling 

 The center of the Memorial
Is a Star representing the 5 counties of Red River Valley

Elder Gibson

The Star

We love our country and we are so grateful to all our soldiers who
continue to serve our country to preserve the freedom's we all enjoy
 and to protect our country, and all who wish to remain free.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Paris, Texas Downtown and Lamar County

We journeyed North up towards Oklahoma, we are pulling the trailer again, and we had many issues, as we traveled, the Trailer lights and brakes were working on and off.  So we made many stops along the way just to make sure all was well.  We did however, thanks to everyone's prayers make it safely to Paris, Texas.  Our first stop.  I did get to take a few photo's of the town before we took off again.
 We turned on this street when we arrived into town,
it was full of beautiful homes!
 This is the Samuel Bell Maxey House
West Point Graduate and Confederate General

 First Methodist Church

In 1916 Fire destroyed the downtown Paris, Texas

After the Fire of 1916
 These cool posters were on the building about the fire of 1916
 Paris Fire Department
 Destruction of 1916
 Before the Fire of 1916
 So Paris rebuilt, the signs of the fire are gone, but the dates of
the buildings all say 1917
 Burton-Peel Dry Goods Company
 The center of town now holds this beautiful fountain.

 First State Bank

 Elected Officials of Paris Texas

 Lamar County Courthouse

 Beautiful Arches

 Confederate Memorial
 World War One Memorial
 Military Memorial

 Cool Fire escape stairs
 Lamar County Courthouse

 Wonderful sculptures all around this beautiful Courthouse.
 The Lion

 The Eagle

 Cute Welcome flags around Paris

First Presbyterian Church

Some fun old photo's of Paris Texas, Downtown

 Lamar County Court House

 Government Building
Lamar County Courthouse Postcard 1896

 Lamar County Courthouse
before fire

These photo's of Paris, Texas after the fire of 1916

County Courthouse after the fire

 This is the map that shows the fire's path
all in the shaded gray area was burned.

 Paris Fireman in First Motor Engine August 1911

First Methodist Church
Mary Corner College

 Downtown Plaza Paris Texas
 Square before fountain
Crook-Record Department Store
Union Station Paris, Texas
Paris Texas

Oklahoma Sooner Ranch

We have been reassigned for about 3 months to the Sooner Ranch in Oklahoma.  We arrived today so you can continue to follow my blogging if y...