Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Paris Texas Eiffel Tower and Red River Valley Memorial

Good Morning we are off to Oklahoma today!! But first a little more exploring!!
We are in Paris, so we must go to the Eiffel Tower, oh wait we are in Paris Texas!!
But guess what Paris, Texas has an Eiffel Tower!!

 Way cool

 Sister Gibson in Paris!!
Right next to the Eiffel Tower, is a beautiful Memorial:
The Red River Valley Veterans Memorial:

On a beautiful sunny day
We visited the Red River Valley Veterans Memorial

The Grand Entrance

 Looking towards the Eiffel Tower
 Looking to the East
 The walk way was created with Memorial tiles each tile
is a memorial to a war veteran that served our country.
 These murals represent each war of our country.
Read the statistic's they are humbling 

 The center of the Memorial
Is a Star representing the 5 counties of Red River Valley

Elder Gibson

The Star

We love our country and we are so grateful to all our soldiers who
continue to serve our country to preserve the freedom's we all enjoy
 and to protect our country, and all who wish to remain free.

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