Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hillsboro, Texas

We traveled to Hillsboro, Hill County, Texas.
 I love the County Court House's 
This one is the Hill County Courthouse
 Hill County organized in 1853 this is the fifth Courthouse
built on this site.
This building completed in 1890

 In January of 1993 the Building had a fire.
This bell hung in the tower for over 102 years.

 1876 Old Rock Saloon
 Lexington Village marker

 The Majestic Theater 1890-1932

 We continue on the Chisholm Trail

Some of the old photo's of the Courthouse and Hill County 
Laying of Corner Stone, City Hall


 Fire of 1993

 Hillsboro Jail
 Hillsboro Jail now a Museum

Citizens National Bank

 The Barber Pole
 Ceiling Tile in this store.
 This ladder was apart of the building also
restored, but the selves it once provided access to are long gone.

 Beautiful furniture
 A bed set

 T B Bond Pharmacy Building

Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce 
Train Depot

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