Saturday, July 1, 2017

Canton Trade Days, Canton, Texas

The Christensen's and the Gibson's went and played at the Canton Trade Days, in Canton, Texas.  We had a great time.

First Monday Trade Days

 Teak Tree roots made into Furniture
 Some of the booths in the Arbor Building

 Sister Gibson found her favorite chair

 and two adorable dogs
 Elder Gibson
 I found my wings
 Cool mermaid 
 fun pictures

 I liked this dresser
 making fudge

 These cute buildings are part of the food court

 These are cool fairy homes built out of Cedar Trunks
 Metal dragon's

 It rained off and on, so the clouds were so cool
this is a double wall cloud

 Last month they had a tornado touch down in Canton during the Trade Show,
but the tornado did not touch down at the Trade Show, but did cause
a lot of damage to Canton, Texas

 This man was walking with this rooster his wife purchased
so he posed for a photo.

 Van Zandt County Courthouse
in Canton, Texas

 Some of the buildings in Canton, Texas


 Store fronts in MaBank

Another great outing, lots of fun things to see and do, exploring new towns, and treasuring our time with the Christensen's.

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