Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Ranch Office

Today was exciting we first helped out the missionaries, took them to Waco for a  meeting.  So we picked up the Upstairs Kitchen Table.
 We brought the Elder's back from their meeting coming in to check out the Ranch Office.
 Carpet layers are still here, doing a great job.
 Carpet layers working on the stairs.
 Elder Vea headed up the stairs
 Elder Gibson working on the handrail
 This is so exciting to see the balusters going up.
 They look great!
Carpet in the Apartment upstairs

 Carpet in the Bedroom
Carpet in the bedroom

 The cows in the back yard tank

I put together the dresser

 Handrail almost done!
Stairs look great

 Book case in the office
Since the ground is so dry the wildflowers have been minimal
but I just love these Passion Flowers.


 Maypop the fruit of the Passion Flower
edible, can't wait for them to ripen.

Another good day!!
Each day we are checking off the list!!

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Oklahoma Sooner Ranch

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