Friday, July 14, 2017

Ranch Office

Ranch Office
 Back to the shed this morning or the (hot house) to spray on the lacquer. 

 Elders cleaning up the sprayer

Goatweed Leafwing Butterfly

Sister Christensen
 Elder Christensen
Elder Gibson

 Beautiful trim up and so nice to have done
 Continued work on the handrail

On the way home this Cara Cara was injured
I just feel so sad when they are hurt, and I can't help!
Another Ranch Pasture

This is a photo of a Screech Owl it was sitting on the branch
 under a tree just as I took the photo it flew off.
It was so cool resting on the branch I really wanted its photo.

Navasota Ranch has beautiful fields of green.

My Vulture tree is full tonight.

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