Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Ranch Office

Good morning!!!  Work at the Ranch Office!!
 Wild Petunia
Tawny Emperor butterfly
 All the wood is now at the Ranch Office ready to be placed as trim!
 The pile doesn't look like a lot when its stacked back up!
Hope its enough!!
 Upstairs doors our sprayed and ready to be installed upstairs.

 They look amazing the Gel Stain that Elder Christensen 
applied looks wonderful.
 Elder Gibson working on the window trim
 Sister Marlese adding another door knob

 The window trim!
 Road Runner
do you see him?
 more wild petunia's

 Yellow Daisy

 Just so adorable

Tawny Emperor Butterfly
 Cool beetle
Tawny Emperor
 This very green Grasshopper
looks like an Alien!!
 Cicada carcass 
 Small Yellow flower all over the lawn.
They smell yummy

 The trim on the window's
 Trim on the door
Its exciting to get to this stage 
so much prep work I was beginning to think it would never happen!!
 Looks nice!
 Crepe Myrtle 

 This was a very large spider!
 Over at the Christensen's home the Goatweed Leafwing Butterfly's
are fluttering around the tree everywhere.
But this cluster is drinking the sap from the tree

The inside of the butterfly is a beautiful Orange wings.
They look like a leaf!
Not sure what this growth of fruit is but it looks like tomato's
just a weed on the side of the road
Scissor Tailed FlyCatcher
This was a very beautiful cloud it was massive
Fun moon tonight

Very small pond flower


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