Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Ranch Office

Made it through Wednesday!!!
Work at the Ranch Office
 Good morning little fella
look what we caught!!
 another racoon
 Goatweed Leafwing Butterfly
 This morning Elder Gibson and Elder Christensen
worked on getting the sidewalk's ready to pour cement
 Back door sidewalk
 Our team working away
 the little Raccoon took of running!
 looks like a cat
 The wild grapes are falling of the vines.
 Raingutter time at the Huffington House

 Just beautiful!
 The beautiful Huffington House
 Century Plant has bloomed
 Elder Gibson working on the Front entryway

 More stair work

 While Jeff was with the Boy Scouts, I took a walk around
the pond, it was a beautiful night!

 If you look really close there is a very tiny frog 
as big as two tic tac's

 I cropped the photo's

 Water flower

 The pond
Ranch pasture

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Oklahoma Sooner Ranch

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